Sleep in day. Beth up early and to Hall. I sleep in until 5:45. Up and dress; bring in newspaper; fix breakfast; eat and read paper. Trim my beard. Work at computer. Beth home and she to office. Tommy calls to see if Bill and I can take him to meeting tomorrow. Call Bill - tomorrow no good for him. Call Tommy back; he calls Ralph who can take him home. Set up pill boxes for Beth and she fills them. I make lunch and we eat. I Xerox for her. She shows me where she wants painting hung in girls room. She off to run Joe and feed the old folks. I hang picture then write here. I hang pic for her. Down for nap with girls. Up and she's home in office. Feed girls and take my pills. Talk to James Jenkins in Florida. Beth off to first Maad Dog Daze meeting; while I stay here and work at computer. Turn on Huckabee for a few minutes. Beth home and we eat. She showers; I write here. Later ~