Looking out the window

Clear as a bell in morning; cloudy in afternoon; POURS RAIN in eve.
Exchange cars with Beth at meeting. Home from meeting and check e-mail and news sites with girls, cheese and crackers. Drop girls at beauth shop at 9:00. Home and watch some Rush - day after dems lost in Mass. and he was thrilled, as am I. Watch documentary Bacall on Bogart I had recorded; pick up girls at groomer and home; then a Have Gun Will Travel episode. Eat lunch while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Up and check e-mail. Bring in mail; take afternoon pills; feed girls; open mail for Beth. To office and work at computer. Call Tommy Snow - he feels better than he did yesterday. RAIN begins. Call Jimmy George and we talk for about a half an hour. It's raining in Mississippi, too. Beth's running late. Turns out her employers' flew out today to avoid the storms. Watch some O'Reilly. Out and move car for Beth then she home; move things out of cars and into ou own cars. In house and I start dinner. We eat and talk. Into office after dinner; she showers; then we watch recording of CSI: Miami. Later ~

Clear as a bell in morning; cloudy in afternoon; POURS RAIN in eve.
Exchange cars with Beth at meeting. Home from meeting and check e-mail and news sites with girls, cheese and crackers. Drop girls at beauth shop at 9:00. Home and watch some Rush - day after dems lost in Mass. and he was thrilled, as am I. Watch documentary Bacall on Bogart I had recorded; pick up girls at groomer and home; then a Have Gun Will Travel episode. Eat lunch while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Up and check e-mail. Bring in mail; take afternoon pills; feed girls; open mail for Beth. To office and work at computer. Call Tommy Snow - he feels better than he did yesterday. RAIN begins. Call Jimmy George and we talk for about a half an hour. It's raining in Mississippi, too. Beth's running late. Turns out her employers' flew out today to avoid the storms. Watch some O'Reilly. Out and move car for Beth then she home; move things out of cars and into ou own cars. In house and I start dinner. We eat and talk. Into office after dinner; she showers; then we watch recording of CSI: Miami. Later ~
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