Scribblings From the Desert

I am a published author and produced screenwriter living in Rancho Mirage, California with my wife, Beth, and two dogs, Crystal and Misty. I have spent most of my life in and around the Hollywood Motion Picture Business.

Location: Rancho Mirage, California, United States

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tom Loughlin as The Master Gunfighter

Home after meeting and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Work with iPad for awhile. Talk to Beth. Work in office on computer. Into living room and watch Master Gunfighter, with Tom Laughlin and Dave Cass. Make avocado and chips for lunch and eat while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Up at 2:00. Check e-mail. Out and bring in mail. Feed girls. Back to office and work at computer. Beth calls with Apple Store phone number. I call Apple Store and get no transfer of AOL address book answer again. Can't connect to Internet. Puts on computer not connected to Internet. Start making stuff for tacos. Get beans into dish for microwaving. I get video of Joe's new dog - watch video. Get everything else ready for tacos and set table. Beth home from work. We eat ands have dessert - talk and eat. Both into office - She works on computer while I write here. She showers. I get ready. Later ~

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mark Rizzo today

Ann Blythe and Howard Duff in Red Canyon

Stop at Albertson's to pick up re-fried beans. Call Mark Rizzo from parking lot. Drive to COD where Mark finds Motorola password for me. He also works out a few things for iPad. I take his photo for Blog. I home and touch base with girls. Check e-mail and news sites with girls and a few chips. Drive to AT&T store to show them my bluetooth for iPhone plus get info on iPad. Home and enter password on iPad. It Works! Into living room and watch Red Canyon with Howard Duff and Ann Blythe. Fix some lunch and eat while viewing movie. Down for nap with girls. Up 1:50 - check e-mail. Bring in mail and recycle bin. Feed girls. Work with iPad and computer for awhile. UPS here and drops a big and and small package for Beth. Call her and she'll be here soon. Work in office. Beth here and she to bank to cash check. I work on fixing dinner and we eat early upon her return. She to H&I Meeting. I work in office. She home and joins me in office. We both work. She showers/I get ready. Later ~

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Earl Hodgkins eats Smiley Burnette's pie in Sunset in Wyoming (1941)

Home from meeting and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Work at computer and with iPad for awhile. Talk to Mark about Motorola password - I'll go by to see him tomorrow. Work in office until 10:15. Into living room - turn on TV. Watch Sunset in Wyoming with Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette. fix avocado sand and have lunch while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Up 1:45. Check some e-mail. Bring in mail from outside. Box of Zicam delivered. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Clean up side yard. Into office and work at computer some more. Eventually into kitchen and start TV - O'Reilly on. Beth home and help her in with her things. I start macaroni; she into office. Set table-we eat and talk while TV delivers Hannity. After dessert, we both into office. I write here. Beth putzes on computer and copier. She folds and puts away towels. She showers. I get ready. Both to bed. Later~

Monday, May 28, 2012

Ben Johnson and Davie Sharp duke it out in Wild Stallion (1952) - corrals and road into Iverson's western town

Memorial Day
Leave meeting 10-minutes early and drive home. Check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Leash 'em both up and we drive to Marchelle's for baths and grooming, Home and fix lunch while watching Wild Stallion with Ben Johnson and Edgar Buchanan. Down for nap with girls. Up and check e-mail agin. No regurlar mail as this is a holiday. Feed girls. Clean up side yard. Back into office and work at computer some more. To trash because of holiday. To office and work on computer some more. Beth home and I can hear her in kitchen. Call James in rainy Florida and talk for awhile. Leave message for Harry. I finally done in office so move to kitchen. Start making salads for our dinner. We eat and talk. Ice cream. Both into office. She wash her hair. She shower; I get ready. Later ~

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Joe & Jenelle's Memorial Day BBQ

Sleep in day. Up 5:30; shave. Beth sleeping in so I shower and dress. Beth up and does her hair. Make breakfast and eat with Sunday paper. Beth into kitchen to eat. I work with iPad in office for awhile. She does my pill boxes. Beth out shopping and to appointment. I work with iPad. She home and we have lunch together. I down for nap with girls. She to market and to pick up chicken wings. I up and check e-mail. Feed girls. Both of us get ready and drive to Joe and Jenelle's for BBQ. Lotsa' talk and fun. Home around 7:00. Download pics and write here. Beth showers. I get ready. Later ~

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Leave meeting early and go grocery shopping at Albertson's. Home and bring groceries inside then put away. To computer and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Work some more on computer. Beth home and help her in with her things. Both work in office. We drive up to Sam's Club to look at then buy an iPad. To lunch at Yellow Basket - both have one fish taco and drink. Home and I get ready for nap with girls and sleep. Beth putzes around in house. I up and check e-mail. She brought mail inside. Feed girls. Open iPad box and set iPad up for battery charging. Into office and read up on iPad on computer. Putz around with iPad for awhile; then we decide to look at Kia Souls. Drive to Cat City then to I-10 Toyota to look at Scions. She calls her work then we drive over there. Order pizza and salad. Melissa there and we talk. I to pick up food and back. We eat and talk. Little ice cream cones for dessert; then we drive home. Work some more with iPad then put it away for the evening. Into office and write here. She shower. I get ready. Later ~

Friday, May 25, 2012

Nicholas Cage and Meryl Streep in Adaptation

Leave 7:25 and to Sam's Club to shop for Hall. Drop chicken and Tide at Beth's place of employment. Home and bring our stuff in. Brenda there cleaning. Popcorn split between us. I check e-mail and news sites2with gils and popcorn. Work on comuter for awhile. Turn on Netflex and watch, Adaptation, with Nick Cage and Meryl Streep. Brenda finishes up and leaves. I make lunch and eat while I watch movie. Good movie. Down for nap with girls. Up and check e-mail. Bring in mail from outside. Feed girls. Clean up side yard. Into office and work at computer. Spend time working. Get myself cleaned up for dinner. Beth home and we off to meet the Whites at The Cliffhouse for dinner. Head home after ice cream. Once home she shkowers; I get ready and write here. Later!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Scene from Corpus Christi Bandits, Alan Lane (R)

Leave meeting a smidgen early. Drive home and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Work at computer for awhile.Turn on Netflex and watch Corpus Christi Bandits with Alan Lane;and The Trail to Hope Rose, directed by Dave Cass. Make a sandwich and eat while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Up and check e-mail. Out to bring in mail. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Clean up side yard. To office and work for awhile. Pull trash together. Into kitchen and set table, start salads; get dinners ready to cook. Beth home and help her in with her stuff. She into office. I cook and serve. Call her and we eat. Have dessert. Watch second half of NCIS rerun recording. She shower then she watches Duets. I get ready. Later ~

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Stop at Albertson's for Avocados then home. Check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Work at computer for awhile. Turn on Netflex and watch Death Valley Rangers with Ken Maynard, Hoot Gibson and Bob Steele. Make Avocado sandwich and have lunch while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Up and check e-mail. UPS delivers frozen stickers with chicken. Call Beth and she by and picks up half the order. Out front to get mail. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Clean up side yard. Put away dishes. Do some more chores. Into office and work for awhile. Into kitchen and start making salads. Harry calls and talk for a short time. Beth home - out and help her in with her stuff. She cooks stickers. Watch some O'Reilly while she cooks. We eat and watch some Hannity. After dessert we both into office. She showers; I write here. She watches American Idol while I get ready. Later ~

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Scene from Atlas Shrugged

Beth left meeting early. Bill and I put bag away and lock up for Ralph. I drive home and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. To hearing aid place and have first appointment with Brook McQuown. Home and continue work on computer. Open Netflex and watch Atlas Shrugged Part #1. Fix some lunch and eat while I view movie. Talk to Beth. Down for nap with girls. Up and check e-mail. Out and bring in recycle bin and mail. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Shuck some corn. Plug in BBQ. Turn on news. Into office and start writing here. Into kitchen and make some salads.Beth home. Start BBQ. Help Beth in with her stuff. Set table. Put corn on BBQ. Watch O'Reilly while cooking. Take corn off BBQ. Inside and we eat. After dessert we clean up. Both into office and I replace ink in fax machine. Beth makes some copies; I write here. She showers. I get ready. She watches American Idol. I sleep. Later ~

Monday, May 21, 2012

Scene from Bullet for a Bad Man with Audie Murphy and Darren McGavin

Stop at CVS to have photos made from disc. Home and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Beth calls - meet her at rtirl place where she is leaving BMW for new tires. Drop her at work then stop for gas and home. Back to computer and work for awhile. Into living room and turn on TV. Watch Bullet for a Bad Man, with Audie Murphy and Darren McGavin. Make some lunch and eat while viewing movie.Down for nap with girls. Up 2:00. Checke-mail. Out and bring in mail. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Clean up side yard. Call Beth- car will stay over night. Workin office and on computer. Into kitchen and start cutting potatoes; shredding cheese. Make salads. Turn on O'Reilly. Beth home and she finishes cooking the potatoes. We eat with Hannity. After dessert we both into office. She works a little then into shower. I finish up and write here. She into bed and watches DWTS. I get readyand: Later ~

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sherry Goodbye Luncheon at Cheese Cake Factory

Sleep in day. I up 5:30. Shave. Into office and check e-mail and news sites. Beth does her hair. I shower and dress. Into kitchen and make breakfast - eat and read Sunday paper. She off to check in with Melissa. I trim beard. Work at computer. Beth back and she has a snack because she's having lunch later. I make lunch for myself and eat. I down for nap with girls and she off to Cheese Cake Factory for good bye luncheon for Sherry. I up at 2:00. Check-mail, etc. Work on computer. Beth home and help her bring in things. Both work in office. Beth makes fajitas and we eat. Into living room and watch rerun of CSI: Vegas. She showers; I get ready. Later ~

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Leave meeting early and do grocery shopping at Albertson's. Home with stuff and unload with Brenda's help. I put stuff away. Beth home and she has some things, too. Into office and check e-mail. We both off to nail place for pedicures. I buy Subway sandwiches after and put in her car. I home and turn on TV. Watch Gene Autry in Cow Town while I eat. Beth home and leaves. I down for nap with girls. Up and Beth is here. Work on computer and write here some more. We work together and finally into kitchen - she starts dinner and I turn on Huckabee. Eat and watch TV. After clean up we into living room and watch Top Gun on Netflex. She showers while I writer here. I get ready. Later ~

Friday, May 18, 2012

Gene Autry, Dorothy Dix, and Smiley Burnette in Guns and Guitars

Leave meeting early and shop for Hall at Sam's Club. Home and put away stuff that's ours. Check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Work at computer some more. To bank and cash a royalty check - believe me when I say it wasn't very big. If I smoked, it wouldn't even buy a carton of my favorite smokes. Home and work at computer. Call Jimmy George in Mississippi and leave message. Into living room and turn on TV. Watch Gun's and Guitars with Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette - filmed at Garner Ranch. Jimmy calls back and we talk. Dr. Stone's office calls to change my July appointment. Make some lunch and back to movie; I eat while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Up and write here. Check e-mail. Bring in mail from outside; feed girls; lean up side yard; back to office. Work for awhile. Into kitchen and start dinner - make salads. Turn on TV. Watch O'Reilly. Beth home; help her in with her things. Put stuff in microwave. We est and talk. After dessert and clean up we watch last night's recording of Person of Interest - finale. She shower; I get ready. Later ~

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Home from meeting and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Set up transfer program and fool with hit for awhile. Call honestech trouble shooter's hot line and get info. Guy sends me an e-mail with download addresses. Download to computer. Try a transfer - try another; finally get it to work but when I try to play DVD the picture jumps, then shuts off. I'll try again later. Into living room and turn on TV. Watch Shelly Winters and Joseph Cotton in Untamed Frontier. Fix some lunch and eat while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Up 1:45, check e-mail. Out to bring in mail. Feed girls. Clean up side yard. Into office and try VHS/DVD copier again. No luck;will call again tomorrow. Work at computer some more. Answer some e-mails. Write some on DoE. Into kitchen and start dinner - macaroni and cheese and salad. Beth home and help her in with her stuff. Finish making dinner and we eat. Clean up after dessert. She washes hair; then shed works in back yard. WINDY. I put trash out. Into office and write here. She showers. I get ready. Into bed room. She watches TV. Later ~

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Chad Everett and Robert Taylor in Return of the Gunfighter

Home after meeting and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Continue working on computer. Spend some time trying to fix problem with transfer DVDs. Call and talk to Mark about it. Download driver for program. Into living room and watch the ending of They Came to Cordura. Then watch Return of the Gunfighter, with Robert Taylor and Chad Everett. Turn it off at noon and down for nap with girls. Up at 1:45 and into office to check e-mail. Out to get mail and bring it in. Feed girls and fill their food bucket. Open mail for Beth. Clean up side yard. Into office and work for awhile. Into kitchen and start making stuff for tacos. Check Survelex. She home. Help her in with her things. Heat beans and tortillas. We eat and talk while watching O'Reilly and Hannity. After ice cream we both into office for a short time. Into living room and we watch last night's recording of NCIS finale. She showers then watches American Idol in bedroom. I get ready. Later ~

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Stop at Staples after meeting and buy DVD discs. Home and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Drive back to Palm Desert and get haircut from Sherry. Home and work with new discs and they won't work either. Into living room and watch They Came From Cordura. Make lunch and eat while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Lots of telephone ringing. Up 1:30 and check e-mail and news sites. Work more on computer. Out and bring in mail. Bring in recycle bin. Feed girls. Clean up side yard. Into office and work for awhile. Into kitchen and plan dinner. Start making salads. Beth home. Help her in with things. Start lasagna. Set table and she boils eggs. We eat and watch O'Reilly and Hannity. After dessert we watch finales of Smash and Hawaii Five-O. She showers;I write here and get ready. Later ~

Monday, May 14, 2012

Gene Autry and Anne James in Barbed Wire

Stop to get my car washed on way home from meeting; on home after wash. Chek e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Work most of the morning trying to get VHS/DVD copier working. Drive to Best Buy and get some connector wires for copier. Home and hook up. Into living room and turn on TV. Watch end of Barbed Wire with Gene Autry while I have a hamburger patty and chips for lunch. Down for nap with girls. Up in an hour and a half and check mail. Bring in mail from outside, Feed girls. Clean up side yard. Start getting trash ready. Into office and find I need different DVDs to make copies. Into kitchen and shuck corn. Turn on O'Reilly. Make our salads. Peel avocados. Set the table. Beth home and help her in with her stuff. Put corn on BBQ. Set table. She in office for a few minutes. We eat and talk. After clean up we have ice cream. Decide to both work in office. I write here. She showers while I get ready. Both into bed. She watches Dancing with the Stars; I sleep - Later ~

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Summer's Commin'

Sleep in day. I up first and shave. I check e-mail and news sites with girls. When Beth is out of bath, I in and shower. Dress and into kitchen. Start making breakfast then eat and read Sunday paper. Beth in to kitchen and eat breakfast. She out to get her car washed while I trim beard. Into office and she home. We work in office together. She out around 1:30 and I make lunch and eat (avocado sand.).She home and fixes something for her to eat. I work in office until 12:30. Then I down for nap with girls. I up 2:00. Work in office. She off to meet Fran at Three. I work on DoE. James calls from Florida and we talk. Beth home and she starts making dinner. I into kitchen and help some. Set table. Turn on Huckabee and we eat while viewing. Strawberries and whipped cream, then clean up. she joins me to clean up. Into office and write here. She into office then we into living room and watch Thursday's recording of Person of Interest. Beth showers; I get ready. Later ~

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Me and my gal ~

Leaved meeting early so I can do some grocery shopping. Home and Brenda helps me unload the stuff and take it inside. I put it all away. Into office and check e-mail and news sites with girls. Brenda and I share popcorn. I work in Dawn of Eagles. She leaves. Beth home and help her in with her stuff. Make us both lunch and we eat and talk. After ice cream I into office and continue working on book. She gets ready for Dillon's shower. I get ready for nap with girls. Into bed. Rebecka by to pick Beth up. Up at 2:00. Work at computer for awhile. Bring in mail from outside. Feed girls. Take her car to CVS and buy Mother's Day flowers and card. Home and write here. Work at computer correcting Dawn of Eagles. Beth home and changes. We out to dinner at Applebee's.Home and watch Wednesday's recording of CSI: Vegas. She shower;I write here. Later ~

Friday, May 11, 2012

Warren Oates in Barquero

Leave meeting early and drive to Sam's to shop for Hall. Drop two chickens at Beth's place of employment and on home. Unload our stuff an some envelopes for her. Check e-mail and news sites with chips and girls. Work on computer for awhile. Into living room and watch Barquero, with Lee Van Cleef, Warren Oates and Richard Lapp. Make some lunch and eat while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Up in 2-hours and work at computer. Outside and bring in mail. Feed girls. Clean up side yard. Open mail for Beth. Into office and work on some chapters of Dawn of Eagles. Into kitchen and start taco stuff. She's bringing the chicken. Turn on O'Reilly. Beth home and I help her unload her stuff. She finishes getting chicken ready then we eat and talk. Hannity on. Afterdessert we both into office andwork - I write here. Into living room and we watch NCIS from Tuesday. She showers while I get ready. Later ~

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Big Sombrero (Columbia 1949) with Gene Autry

Wake up with high BP. Take pills and BP pill. Shave then back to bed and tell Beth I don't feel good enough to go to meeting. I back to sleep. She gets ready and takes off for meeting. I up and check e-mail and news sites. No breakfast. Eventually I shower and dress. Into living room and finish watching Nightmare Alley; plus Gene Autry in The Big Sombrero - in color. Have lunch while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Up and check e-mail. Out and bring in mail. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Clean up side yard. Start getting trash ready for later. Workin office forawhile. Beth home. Make some dinner and we eat. Into office and we both work until 8:00. She showers; I get ready. Later ~

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Scene from Nightmare Alley

Left meeting about five minutes early to get home with time to get Daisy to the vet by 8:45. She gave me a little trouble but we made it on time. She gets her teeth cleaned and checked. Home and join Misty. Work in office for awhile. E-mail Richard L. E-mail Cass for Neil's number. He sends it to me. Call Neil and we talk for awhile. Tell him I'll be in New Mexico in June. E-mail Richard - get e-mail back from Richard. Into living room and turn on TV. Watch Tyrone Power Nightmare Alleynoir movie while I eat lunch. Down for nap with girls. Up and bring in mail. Feed girls. Clean up side yard. Work in office for awhile. Beth picks me up at 5:00 and we meet the Grippis at The Cliff House for dinner.Home - she showers and we get ready for bed. I feel lousy. Later ~


Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Sidney Poitier, James Garner, and Dennis Weaver: Behind the scenes on Duel at Diablo

Home from meeting and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Work at computer for awhile. Eventually into living room and watch Duel at Diablo with Jamers Garner and Sidney Poitier (Richard Lapp and Neil Summers). Make lunch and eat while viewing movie. Down for nap with girls. Up at 2:00 -work at comooputer. Out to bring in mail and get recyle bin. Feed girls. Clean up side yard. Into office and work on a chapter of Dawn of Eagles. UPS eith check for Beth. Call her. She by and to bank. I mke salads for dinner. She home and I help her in with her stuff. She cooks salmon. We eat and talk. After dessert and clean up, into office and write here. Finally into living room and watch recording of Smash from last night. Beth showers; I get ready. Later ~

Monday, May 07, 2012

Warren Oates and Peter Fonda in The Hired Hand

Home from meeting and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. To bank at 9:00 and make a deposit for Beth; then over to her place of employment to pick her up and drive to Bermuda Dunes airport, She gets Tracker and takes it back to work. I gas up then home. Check e-mail and several more news sites. Into living room and watch TV: The Hired Hand with Peter Fonda, Warren Oats, and Verna Bloom. Better than the first time I saw it 40-years ago. Make lunch and eat while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Up at 2:15 and check e-mail. Out and bring in mail. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Clean up side yard. Start getting trash ready. Take out recycle bin. Into office and work on computer. Into kitchen and start salads. Cook enchiladas and leave some time. Turn on O'Reilly. Beth home - turn on microwave. Help her in with her stuff. Finish setting table and serve salad. Dish up enchiladas. We eat and talk - watch Hannity. After dessert we clean up. She to office;I work on trash - plus write here. She washes her hair. We watch last week's CSI: Vegas. She shower; I get ready. Later ~

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Behind the Scenes on Breakheart Pass

Sleep in day. UP 5:30 - she was up first. I into bathroom and shave. Checke-mail and news sites then in and shower. Dress and check some more computer. Bring in Sunday paper. Into kitchen and make breakfast. Set up for Beth, too. Eat breakfast and read Sunday paper. she joins me. Into office and continue with computer. Beth gets ready and she off to work. Her employees take off this morning. I to Subway and pick up a couple of sandwiches. Home and tun on TV. Watch Breakheart Pass , with Charles Bronson while eating lunch. Down for nap with girls. Up 2:30 - Beth here. I check e-mail then go feed girls. Into office and continue working. Beth irons on service porch an starts cooking some things then dinner. Into kitchen and make salads. We eat and talk. Clean up after dessert; into living room and watch a Huell Howser California Gold rerun. Beth showers; I write here. I get ready. Later ~

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Kentucky Derby

Leave meeting early and go grocery shopping at Albertson's. Home and Brenda helps me take stuff inside. I put away. Check e-mail and news sites with girls and popcorn I split with Brenda. Work on computer for awhile until she'sdone and leaves. Turn on TV. Watch some western while I fix lunchand eat. Brth home and we talk. I down for nap with girls. Beth to Dylan's baby shower. I up and feed girls. Work in office. Turn on horse raced and watch an hour of pre-race then the race - The Kentudcky Derby. Beth home shorytly after and we watch rerun. I to offoce. Then to Carl's Jr. for take out dinner for us, Home and we eat. After ice cream, into office and elp her get her computer running again. Both into living room and watch Person of Interest from last night. She re-bandages my arm. She showers. I write my blog. I get ready. Later ~

Friday, May 04, 2012

Leave meeting early and drive to Sam's Club to shop for Hall. Home after and unload our stuff. Check e-mail and news sites with girls, salami, and chips. Work for awhile on computer - a little on Dawn of Eagles. Into living room an turn on TV. Watch Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette in The Old Barn Dance. Make some lunch and eat while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Up and check e-mail. Two Mormons come to door - talk briefly. Bring in mail from outside. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Back into office to write in blog. Clean up side yard. Work on Dawn of Eagles for awhile. Beth home; help her in with her stuff. She not feel too good - bad watermelon and tired. Light dinner for both of us. I write here while she showers. Later ~

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Monthly Round Table

Drive to Beth's place of employment after meeting then follow her to Bermuda Dunes airport to drop car for her employers'. Back to her work place; drop her off, then home. Check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Work at computer; work a little on Dawn of Eagles. Leave around a quarter to eleven and drive to Indio where I meet with Joel for a few minutes of talk and bringing each other up to date. On to China Bistro for monthly Conservative Round Table lunch and discussion. Leave around 1:45 and drive home. Bring in mail. Feed girls and open mail for Beth. Have some ice cream. Down for nap with girls at 2:00. Up 4:00. Check e-mail. Into kitchen and start dinner. Beth home and help her in with her stuff. Make salad and soup. We eat and talk. After dessert we both into office. Into living room and TV. Watch Monday's episodeof Hawaii Five-0. She showers. I get ready. Later ~

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Home after meeting to check e-mail and news sites with girls, apple slices and nuts. Work at computer for awhile. Drive to credit union shortly after 9:00 to deposit check for Beth. Home and work for awhile on Dawn of Eagles. Into living room and turn on TV. Watch Whispering Smith (in progress) with Alan Ladd and Brenda Bennet. Make lunch and eat while viewing. Down for nap with girls. Up and check e-mail. Out and get mail. Feed girls. Clean up side yard. Into office and work on Dawn of Eagles some more. Talk to Beth several times. Her check comes and I call her. She here to pick up check and take to bank. I start dinner; make salads. She home for good; help her in with her stuff. She not feeling that good so she into office. Call her for dinner and we eat and talk. Watch some O'Reilly and Hannity. She washes her hair while I have dessert. We both into office. Living room where we watch last night's NCIS. She showers; I get ready. Later ~

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Stop at Office Max on way hoe to get Beth a stylus. On home and check e-mail and news sites with girls, apple slices and nuts. Work at computer for awhile. Into living room and turn on TV. Watch Bite the Bullet, all the way through for the first time. Make some lunch and eat in living room while viewing movie. Bobby Hoy has a nice part. Down for nap with girls. Up and into office where I check e-mail and work at computer. Out to bring in mail and recycle bin. Feed girls. Clean up side yard. Bring in ironing. Work at computer. Into kitchen and start dinner. Fix steak and her dinner. Set up BBQ. Turn on O'Reilly. Beth home and hep her in with her stuff. Put on steak. She in to make her dinner. All ready an we eat and talk. After dessert we watch last night's episode of Smash. She showers. I write here. I get readcy. Later ~