Stop to show Nadar new car on way home from meeting. Home and Sam pulls in behind me. He's here to stain the church bench on our front porch. I check e-mails and news sites while eating sausage, cheese and crackers. Jerry and crew show up and start stuccoing the new walls. Ron brings back our wheelchair and I put it away. Into house and listen to Rush while I work awhile. Check the news for info on cop Washington cop killer. Fed-X here with movie. I down to TV and watch a Gene Autry western, Silver Canyon. Talk to Beth; then down for nap with girls. Up and check e-mails. Bring in mail then feed girls. Take pills and open mail for Beth. Put away dishes and some other chores. To office. Tommy Snow calls. Beth home early and we decide to not get decorations out until tomorrow. Inside and I start dinner. We eat. Watch Hallmark Hall of Fame movie we recorded last night: A Dog Named Christmas, with Bruce Greenwood. After, she showers while I write here. Later ~