Scribblings From the Desert

I am a published author and produced screenwriter living in Rancho Mirage, California with my wife, Beth, and two dogs, Crystal and Misty. I have spent most of my life in and around the Hollywood Motion Picture Business.

Location: Rancho Mirage, California, United States

Monday, November 02, 2009

Bob Steele (on right) - Kid Corrageous 1935

Unknown western - Herman Hack on far right

To blood draw after meeting for Loma Linda biopsy tomorrow. They were unable to do one test. Home by 9:45 and call Loma Linda and leave message about lab draw. Call Beth. Finally I'm able to eat. Check e-mail and news sites with begging girls. Turn on Rush in living room and eat while reading news paper. There were a few calls back and forth between Beth and me re biopsy tomorrow. I down for nap with girls at 12: 15. Up around 2:15 - no calls from LL yet. Call Beth and call Laurie's assistant at LL and leave a message. Feed girls. No mail. Call Beth and she's just talked to Rick about Tommy. They think they've found him a room; plus they told him he may lose a foot because of unhealing sores on his foot. I call Tommy and we talk for awhile. He seems to be accepting everything better than before. Call from Loma Linda (not anyone I left a message for) giving me info for tomorrow. She tells me the lab test was a minor one and results are not needed for biopsy. I call Beth. Write here. Will be cleaning up side yard soon; then sweeping house. Never got to clean as Beth returned early. Took her car to get a lube and oil. Home - she's upset and on overload. Gets better in awhile. Pick up her car. Fix dinner and eat. Beth and I to office and work. She on phone. Bed early and she watches Dancing with the Stars. I sleep. No food or water after midnight. Later ~