With Dave Cass, Frank Dobbs, and Jack Lilly the day we dropped off Rio Diablo script to Kenny Rogers on his Gambler movie set - 1992

Shower door falls off before shower so I use Beth's.
Stop at Office Depot on way home from meeting to get some Xeroxing done for Beth. Home and check e-mail ans news sites with girls and pretzels. Talk to Jimmy George and package has arrived in Montana; plus a response. Work at computer. Beth calls to tell me my iPhone isn't working. I drive to AT&T. Take a fall stepping up to sidewalk - no broken bones and only a small scratch on elbow - thank you Lord! Into store and guy fixes phone in a minute. Home then on to Mimi's to meet Tom Snow, Norman Foster, and David Bradshaw for lunch. Home and have dessert. Down for nap with girls. Up and bring in mail. Put away boys next door's trash bin. Feed girls. Jimmy calls again and there's been more communication. Talk to Beth. Worker coming over to get shower door working again. He arrives and works in bathroom. He off and I call Beth. Talk to Tommy again. Beth home and we talk. fix dinner and we eat. After some work in office, we watch recording of an Elizabeth Taylor biography on TV. Later ~