Our "Clean" Girls

Home from meeting and check e-mail and news sites with girls and Ritz Crackers. Call Bobby Hoy and say Hi. Leave message for Jimmy George. Take girls to groomer at 9:00 and drop them off with Beth's help. Home and work at computer. Lie back on couch for rest and Jimmy Calls. We talk for awhile. Then I drive to Chinese place near Pavilions for lunch with Tom Snow. Norman joined us for a minute. I show Tommy where Stone's dialysis unit is. He wants to talk to them about changing units. I home and have some whipped cream with girls. Talk Beth; then down for nap. Up and check e-mail. Bring in mail and open it for Beth. My new sandals arrive. To office to work some. Clean side yard; sweep floors. Talk Tommy - he can do dialysis at Eisenhower. Beth home and unloads Expedition. Trish Mohr here and they bring all MMD info up to date. I watch Fox in office. Eat left-over lunch for dinner and give half to Beth after Trish leaves. We watch 2nd part of Rush interview on Greta. Try to get a new gadget to work to no avail. Get ready and both to bed. Later ~

Home from meeting and check e-mail and news sites with girls and Ritz Crackers. Call Bobby Hoy and say Hi. Leave message for Jimmy George. Take girls to groomer at 9:00 and drop them off with Beth's help. Home and work at computer. Lie back on couch for rest and Jimmy Calls. We talk for awhile. Then I drive to Chinese place near Pavilions for lunch with Tom Snow. Norman joined us for a minute. I show Tommy where Stone's dialysis unit is. He wants to talk to them about changing units. I home and have some whipped cream with girls. Talk Beth; then down for nap. Up and check e-mail. Bring in mail and open it for Beth. My new sandals arrive. To office to work some. Clean side yard; sweep floors. Talk Tommy - he can do dialysis at Eisenhower. Beth home and unloads Expedition. Trish Mohr here and they bring all MMD info up to date. I watch Fox in office. Eat left-over lunch for dinner and give half to Beth after Trish leaves. We watch 2nd part of Rush interview on Greta. Try to get a new gadget to work to no avail. Get ready and both to bed. Later ~
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