Sleep in day. Beth up and off to Hall. I up 5:50. Shower, breakfast and paper. Start sweeping floor and Beth back before I'm done. We talk and both to office; then before I realize it she's finished the sweeping and is starting to mop. I trim my beard and back to office. Fix some lunch and we eat and talk.Call Tommy Snow. I open pill packages while she does my pill boxes for the next two weeks. Down for nap with girls. Up and she's fed girls. I flip channels - nothing on but sports. Join her in office where I work a little. She off to a Maad Dog Daze committee meeting. Post a response on the True West blog - no way to post a photo so I'll post it here (above). Call in for Pizza. Work on script. Beth home with pizza and we eat. After she washes her hair and we both work in office. Later ~