57th Anniversary of James Dean's death.
After meeting I drive home. Brenda here cleaning. Make some popcorn and eat at computer with girls begging. Check e-mail and news sites. Work on a few things. Brenda leaves; and I to TV. Watch a western that's streaming on The Western Channel. Beth calls. Have a light lunch. I take off to meet Beth at nail shop. She there getting a manicure. I get pedicure. Bye to Beth and drive home. Check e-mail. Down for nap with girls. Up and bring in mail. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Work in office the rest of the afternoon. Beth home and help her in with her stuff. Start making dinner and salads. We eat while watching O'Reilly and some Hannity. Turn on TV and watch Person of Interest with Michael Emerson and James Caviezel. Both into office and work - I write here. Both get ready for bed with her showering. Later ~