The Maltese Falcon - Production stills
To Hall and do chores and say to all. On to Eisenhower for blood draw; then to Hovely post office - not open until 8:30. Stop by Rancho Mirage post office and re-mail books plus one other. Drive on home to popcorn with girls while I check e-mail and news sites. Talk to Beth. Off to Hovely post office and find out they aren't allowed to reimburse me for their mistake. Two books I mailed there on Saturday came back saying they were mailed wrong - they weren't. But still no refund. On to
Sam's Club to do shopping for Hall. Pick up two tacos and on home. Watch recording of
The Maltese Falcon while eating. I had never watched this movie all the way through and it's as good as everyone told me it would be. Beth calls. Stop with a half hour of movie to go; then down for nap with girls. Up and feed girls. Finish
The Maltese Falcon. Check e-mail and surf the web. Talk to Tom Snow. Beth home and we talk; then I cook and we eat. LeRoy and his friend, Bob by and Bob meets girls as he'll be sitting with them for a few days while we're on vacation in the next couple of weeks. They leave. Both of us to office and she makes reservations for our two nights in Deadwood. Bed early as she still has a cold. Later ~