Leave meeting early for another blood draw - the one I forgot to bring the paperwork for yesterday. Call Sherry and by her place for re-scheduled haircut. To post office and mail two And Action! books. Finally home and make breakfast, as I had to fast for the blood work. Watch new episode of Kings but - turn it off for good when plot began to piss me off. Up until then, I Had really liked the canceled series. Watch two recorded episodes of Entourage instead. Down for nap with girls. Up and bring in mail and package for me - turns out to be a NRA gift: a beautiful Bowie Knife that can be mounted on a wall. Feed girls and open rest of mail. Call Tom Snow and we talk. Clean up side yard and sweep floors. Work at computer. Call Jimmy George and set up phone meeting for tomorrow. Beth home and we talk. She to office and I make dinner. We eat. Watch a rerun of CSI: Miami. Both to office for last minute things. Later ~