Scribblings From the Desert

I am a published author and produced screenwriter living in Rancho Mirage, California with my wife, Beth, and two dogs, Crystal and Misty. I have spent most of my life in and around the Hollywood Motion Picture Business.

Location: Rancho Mirage, California, United States

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Roy's Sidekick, Pat Brady, hams it up for my camera

Cold and Windy
Home from meeting and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Sam here to work - he finishes putting up Christmas lights; looks at bottom of Beth's jewelery case that he will stain next week; takes down speakers on patio; an one other thing. He leaves. Work at computer some more. Talk to Beth. Call Glenda to make appointment for scan of my kidney. Drive to Indio - stop to talk to Joel who's at old Leather Plus building. He has his foreign furniture stored there. He gives me a tour then sends two pots home with me for Beth. He's grown his hair back and is working on a way to sell his furniture. On to Chinese place for monthly Conservative Round Table. We lunch and chat. I leave 1:45 and drive home. Get out smaller pot. Have an ice cream and feed girls. Call Beth. Down for nap on couch. Up 4:00 and shuck some corn. Check e-mail. Do a few chores. Work at computer. Flowers delivered from Beth's employers. Beth home and help her bring in her stuff. Start BBQ in side yard. Set table and make her a salad. BBQ the corn. Turn on O'Reilly. We eat and watch TV. Watch Hannity after with Newt. Outside and take larger pot from my car to side yard. She to office and work. I get trash ready for tomorrow. Into office and write here. She showers; I get ready. Later ~