Tim Holt and Chito, Gunplay, 1951)
Stop to get Dodge washed on way home from meeting. Gas up for trip at Nader's. Home and check e-mail and news sites with girls and no chips. Sean here to work on transferring address books to iPad. I to Bank and exchange large bills for smaller ones. Home. Sean has accomplished the transfer. Some didn't come through so he makes notes for Beth telling her how to transfer one-at-a-time. Sean leaves. I into kitchen and make avocado and mayo plus chips and sour cream. Turn on Tim Holt western, Gunplay (1951). Eat lunch while viewing then down for nap with girls. Up in an hour-and-a-half. Check e-mail. Bring in mail from outside; plus a QVC package. Feed girls. Books into car. Take out some trash. Start artichokes boiling then simmering. I open mail for Beth. Start making salad. Beth home and we back Dodge into drveway for loading. She fixes artichokes; I set table and finish salads. We eat and watch Hannity. After ice cream, she washes her hair. I gather up loose ends. Take out trash. Into office and write here some more. She in to shower. Load some stuff into car. Taking off for Albuquerque in morning; WWA convention. I get ready. Later ~
Stop to get Dodge washed on way home from meeting. Gas up for trip at Nader's. Home and check e-mail and news sites with girls and no chips. Sean here to work on transferring address books to iPad. I to Bank and exchange large bills for smaller ones. Home. Sean has accomplished the transfer. Some didn't come through so he makes notes for Beth telling her how to transfer one-at-a-time. Sean leaves. I into kitchen and make avocado and mayo plus chips and sour cream. Turn on Tim Holt western, Gunplay (1951). Eat lunch while viewing then down for nap with girls. Up in an hour-and-a-half. Check e-mail. Bring in mail from outside; plus a QVC package. Feed girls. Books into car. Take out some trash. Start artichokes boiling then simmering. I open mail for Beth. Start making salad. Beth home and we back Dodge into drveway for loading. She fixes artichokes; I set table and finish salads. We eat and watch Hannity. After ice cream, she washes her hair. I gather up loose ends. Take out trash. Into office and write here some more. She in to shower. Load some stuff into car. Taking off for Albuquerque in morning; WWA convention. I get ready. Later ~
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