Fay McKenzie and Gene Autry in Down Mexico Way (1941)
Home after meeting; check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Work at computer awhile longer. Talk to Beth. Into living room and turn on TV. Watch Down Mexico Way with Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette. Make an avocado sandwich with chips. Continue watching while I eat lunch. After ice cream I in to bedroom for nap with girls. Up at 2:00 -comb hair and dress. Check e-mail and work at computer. Out to bring in mail. Put recycle bin by garage door. Clean up side yard. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Bring recycle bin into side yard. Back to office and work on computer some more. Call Beth. Into kitchen and start making salads. Turn on O'Reilly. Wait for election returns. Beth home. She starts pot stickers. I set table; she does wash. We finally eat and watch Hannity. Scott Walker declared winner in Wisconson recall. Both into office were we work for awhile. Download her photos. She showers. I write here. I get ready. Later ~
Home after meeting; check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Work at computer awhile longer. Talk to Beth. Into living room and turn on TV. Watch Down Mexico Way with Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette. Make an avocado sandwich with chips. Continue watching while I eat lunch. After ice cream I in to bedroom for nap with girls. Up at 2:00 -comb hair and dress. Check e-mail and work at computer. Out to bring in mail. Put recycle bin by garage door. Clean up side yard. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Bring recycle bin into side yard. Back to office and work on computer some more. Call Beth. Into kitchen and start making salads. Turn on O'Reilly. Wait for election returns. Beth home. She starts pot stickers. I set table; she does wash. We finally eat and watch Hannity. Scott Walker declared winner in Wisconson recall. Both into office were we work for awhile. Download her photos. She showers. I write here. I get ready. Later ~
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