Dean Martin and Alain Delon with Joey Bishop behind them
in Texas Across the River (1966)
Leave meeting a few minutes early and shop at Albertsons for fruit. To Keedys to buy gift certificate but the person in charge of that isn't there - see Jay Grilli. Home and call Tony at Ford - no answer. Into office and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Talk go Jimmy George; then AJ Fenady calls - Fenadys not going to convention. Talk to Beth. Drive back to Keedy's and get gift certificate. Home and make avacado sandwich for lunch. Turn on TV and watch Texas Across the River with Dean Martin, Joey Bishop and Alain Delon. Bring in food and eat while viewing movie. Up in two hours. Check some e-mail. Bring in mail from outside. Feed girls. Clean up side yard. Back to office and work for awhile. Into kitchen to start salads; also get pasta ready to reheat. Turn on O'Reilly. Beth home. Finish cooking while she does some chores. We eat while watching Hannity. After dessert we outside and move something of hers to side yard. Back to office where we both work side-by-side. She showers. I write here. I get ready. Later ~
in Texas Across the River (1966)
Leave meeting a few minutes early and shop at Albertsons for fruit. To Keedys to buy gift certificate but the person in charge of that isn't there - see Jay Grilli. Home and call Tony at Ford - no answer. Into office and check e-mail and news sites with girls and chips. Talk go Jimmy George; then AJ Fenady calls - Fenadys not going to convention. Talk to Beth. Drive back to Keedy's and get gift certificate. Home and make avacado sandwich for lunch. Turn on TV and watch Texas Across the River with Dean Martin, Joey Bishop and Alain Delon. Bring in food and eat while viewing movie. Up in two hours. Check some e-mail. Bring in mail from outside. Feed girls. Clean up side yard. Back to office and work for awhile. Into kitchen to start salads; also get pasta ready to reheat. Turn on O'Reilly. Beth home. Finish cooking while she does some chores. We eat while watching Hannity. After dessert we outside and move something of hers to side yard. Back to office where we both work side-by-side. She showers. I write here. I get ready. Later ~
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