Tex Ritter, Johnny Mack Brown and Jenifer Holt face bad guy on ground. The Old Chisholm Trail (1942)

Home from meeting the back way. Beth beat me home - she forgot her jewelery and watch again. She off to work. I check e-mail and news sites with girls and snack. Then I drive up to credit union to make deposit for Beth. Home; make lunch then eat while watching today's recording of Lawman. Follow that with The Old Chisholm Trail with Johnny Mack Brown and Tex Ritter. Beth calls. I down to nap with Misty - Crystal can't jump onto bed anymore. Up later and check e-mail. Bring in mail; feed girls; open (2 pieces) of mail for Beth. Clean up side yard. Putz on computer. Sweep tile floors inside. Turn on O'Reilly and start cooking. Beth home. Help her in with her stuff. We eat and talk. After dessert we watch Monday's Hawaii 5-0, a new one. Both get ready and to bed early. Later ~

Home from meeting the back way. Beth beat me home - she forgot her jewelery and watch again. She off to work. I check e-mail and news sites with girls and snack. Then I drive up to credit union to make deposit for Beth. Home; make lunch then eat while watching today's recording of Lawman. Follow that with The Old Chisholm Trail with Johnny Mack Brown and Tex Ritter. Beth calls. I down to nap with Misty - Crystal can't jump onto bed anymore. Up later and check e-mail. Bring in mail; feed girls; open (2 pieces) of mail for Beth. Clean up side yard. Putz on computer. Sweep tile floors inside. Turn on O'Reilly and start cooking. Beth home. Help her in with her stuff. We eat and talk. After dessert we watch Monday's Hawaii 5-0, a new one. Both get ready and to bed early. Later ~
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