COLD. Not much early traffic on New Year's Eve.
Home from meeting and check e-mail and news sites with girls and popcorn. Beth by - she forgot watch and rings. I continue at computer. Bring in Christmas tree and decorations boxes for Beth. Eventually move into living room. Make a sandwich and have lunch while I watch today's recording of Lawman.Continue watching the rest of Apache Drums. Into office - down for nap with Misty. Up and bring in mail; feed girls; clean up side yard; open mail for Beth. Bring in trash can. Work for awhile in office. Into watch some O'Reilly. Start cooking. Beth home. Help her in with her things. We eat and talk. After, I fix her printer; and find out our copier is out of toner. Then we watch recording of Sara Palin's Alaska. Beth showers; all to bed. HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Later ~
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