Straight home after meeting and check e-mail and news sites with girls and crackers (popcorn's gone). Talk to Beth. Then I'm of to Sam's Club for some shopping for the Hall. Drive home. Turn on TV then make sandwich for lunch. Watch today's recording of Lawman while eating. After, Watch most of Apache Drums, with Willard Parker, Colleen Grey and Stephen McNally. Down for nap with Misty. Phone rings in an hour - it's Beth reminding me of dog food delivery. Stay up. Bring in mail. Into office and work some more. Clean up front porch from wind last night. UPS delivers dog food (60-lbs) for Jo; plus a check for Beth. Call her. She comes over with someone with a pickup; gets check and dog food. I'm writing here. Into kitchen and open mail for Beth. Sit and read new copy of Westeren Clippings for awhile. Sweep tile floor. Have a cookie snack
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