Gene and Champ

Home after meeting - stop for Hi to Nader. Once there, I check e-mail and news sites with girls and popcorn. Work at computer for awhile correcting and editing Whiskey Tears. Into living room - make lunch and eat while watching today's recording of Lawman. After, watch 1937's Joe Kane directed, Get Along Little Dogies with Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette. Down for nap with Misty. Up and write here. RAIN starts to fall. Nothing heavy. Sun tries to peek out after an hour. Bring in mail; feed girls; clean up side yard; open mail for Beth. Skim several magazines. Into office and call Jimmy George in Mississippi. Into kitchen and start dinner. Beth home; help her bring in a few things. We eat and talk over a few things. She leaves for H&I Meeting at Hall. I record President Bush on Hannity. Write here.

Home after meeting - stop for Hi to Nader. Once there, I check e-mail and news sites with girls and popcorn. Work at computer for awhile correcting and editing Whiskey Tears. Into living room - make lunch and eat while watching today's recording of Lawman. After, watch 1937's Joe Kane directed, Get Along Little Dogies with Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette. Down for nap with Misty. Up and write here. RAIN starts to fall. Nothing heavy. Sun tries to peek out after an hour. Bring in mail; feed girls; clean up side yard; open mail for Beth. Skim several magazines. Into office and call Jimmy George in Mississippi. Into kitchen and start dinner. Beth home; help her bring in a few things. We eat and talk over a few things. She leaves for H&I Meeting at Hall. I record President Bush on Hannity. Write here.
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