John Russell in Lawman

Home after meeting stopping along the way to say Hi to Nader. Once home, check e-mail and news sites with girls and crackers. Make calendar pages for Beth to use for workers. Copy Employee sheets. Into living room and watch today's recorded episode of Lawman. Into office. Beth calls, and I over to pick her up and take her to pick up BMW. Home - quick microwaved hamburger patty and dessert. Down for nap with Misty. Up and bring in mail. Feed girls - Crystal still on wet food. Clean up side yard - Crystal poop everywhere. Sweep tiles inside. E-mail Stevie G. Turn on Christmas lights. Get ready for Beth to get home. She home. we talk. She into office while I cook. We eat. Then we watch NCIS from last night and Hawaii 5-0 from Monday. Both into office where she has more messages from her boss. Later ~

Home after meeting stopping along the way to say Hi to Nader. Once home, check e-mail and news sites with girls and crackers. Make calendar pages for Beth to use for workers. Copy Employee sheets. Into living room and watch today's recorded episode of Lawman. Into office. Beth calls, and I over to pick her up and take her to pick up BMW. Home - quick microwaved hamburger patty and dessert. Down for nap with Misty. Up and bring in mail. Feed girls - Crystal still on wet food. Clean up side yard - Crystal poop everywhere. Sweep tiles inside. E-mail Stevie G. Turn on Christmas lights. Get ready for Beth to get home. She home. we talk. She into office while I cook. We eat. Then we watch NCIS from last night and Hawaii 5-0 from Monday. Both into office where she has more messages from her boss. Later ~
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