USS Missouri, from the USS Arizona Monument

Straight home from meeting. Check e-mail and news sites with crackers and girls. Off to Palm Desert Imaging place to get a scan of my kidney. Stop at Ace for Christmas light hangers. On to Beth's place of employment to deliver her paper (wasn't there when we left this morning); Sam, Brenda, Dale there helping put up Christmas decorations. Home to wait for Joel's guy, Mark, to deliver new copier-fax-scanner. He shows and installs the machine. Quite late so I have some fruit and down for nap with girls. Up and out to get mail. Fed girls. Open mail for Beth. Try to watch recording - no record. Clean up side yard. Work at computer. Beth home. I fix dinner and we eat. Then we watch last night's recording of CSI: Las Vegas. Later ~
Straight home from meeting. Check e-mail and news sites with crackers and girls. Off to Palm Desert Imaging place to get a scan of my kidney. Stop at Ace for Christmas light hangers. On to Beth's place of employment to deliver her paper (wasn't there when we left this morning); Sam, Brenda, Dale there helping put up Christmas decorations. Home to wait for Joel's guy, Mark, to deliver new copier-fax-scanner. He shows and installs the machine. Quite late so I have some fruit and down for nap with girls. Up and out to get mail. Fed girls. Open mail for Beth. Try to watch recording - no record. Clean up side yard. Work at computer. Beth home. I fix dinner and we eat. Then we watch last night's recording of CSI: Las Vegas. Later ~
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