Old friend, Neil Summers

Colder today.
Home after meeting with a stop to talk to Nader on way. Check e-mail and news sites. Make blood draw appointment for Beth. Try call Hawaii to order shirts but realize it's much too early. Call Jimmy George and we talk about photo he sent me; plus he sends 64 pics and we discuss them over the phone. Then he's off to his hometown to spend a few days with an old friend. I into living room and Watch two episodes of Lawman. Call Hawaii and order two shirts. Down for a nap staying dressed as some delivery men are delivering something for Beth between 1 - 5. Up 2:15 - doorbell rings and dogs bark. Put girls in office while deliverymen bring packages into house. Join girls in office. Check mail - no mail. Feed girls and take my pills. Work in office. Finally mail comes. Open mail for Beth. Clean up side yard. Sweep inside tiles. Beth home and help her bring stuff inside. We talk; then I make dinner and we eat. After, we watch Hawaii 5-0 recorded last night. I into office and get ready for bed. She showers. Later ~

Colder today.
Home after meeting with a stop to talk to Nader on way. Check e-mail and news sites. Make blood draw appointment for Beth. Try call Hawaii to order shirts but realize it's much too early. Call Jimmy George and we talk about photo he sent me; plus he sends 64 pics and we discuss them over the phone. Then he's off to his hometown to spend a few days with an old friend. I into living room and Watch two episodes of Lawman. Call Hawaii and order two shirts. Down for a nap staying dressed as some delivery men are delivering something for Beth between 1 - 5. Up 2:15 - doorbell rings and dogs bark. Put girls in office while deliverymen bring packages into house. Join girls in office. Check mail - no mail. Feed girls and take my pills. Work in office. Finally mail comes. Open mail for Beth. Clean up side yard. Sweep inside tiles. Beth home and help her bring stuff inside. We talk; then I make dinner and we eat. After, we watch Hawaii 5-0 recorded last night. I into office and get ready for bed. She showers. Later ~
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