With William Shatner on Kingdom of the Spiders set

Home after meeting and check e-mail and news sites. To get pedicure at 10:00. Beth has her nail appointment at 12:00. Pick up burger and ice cream cone on way home. Beth is there unloading stuff and putting it away. I set up lunch by TV and start watching today's Lawman. Interrupted few times by Beth with a chore or to she needs done. She leaves. Put my car into garage. Watch a few minutes of a John Wayne, George Hayes 1933 western. Check e-mail then down for nap with girls. Up before two. Beth home and working (of course). She's already doing wash and has brought in mail. I work in office until she joins me. Ron calls from next door. Talk to Jeff Sneller about this new (supposedly) 3-D remake of KOS. Work on letter re remake. Fix dinner (soup and salad). Both back into office.

Home after meeting and check e-mail and news sites. To get pedicure at 10:00. Beth has her nail appointment at 12:00. Pick up burger and ice cream cone on way home. Beth is there unloading stuff and putting it away. I set up lunch by TV and start watching today's Lawman. Interrupted few times by Beth with a chore or to she needs done. She leaves. Put my car into garage. Watch a few minutes of a John Wayne, George Hayes 1933 western. Check e-mail then down for nap with girls. Up before two. Beth home and working (of course). She's already doing wash and has brought in mail. I work in office until she joins me. Ron calls from next door. Talk to Jeff Sneller about this new (supposedly) 3-D remake of KOS. Work on letter re remake. Fix dinner (soup and salad). Both back into office.
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