2010 Christmas Card Preview

Grocery shopping after meeting. To CC Albertson's and Sav-On not open. Home and Brenda helps me unload and put away. Back to CC Albertson's and pick up prescription for Bethie. Home and Brenda still cleaning. When she's done we out to shed and bring in Christmas decorations. Beth home and they begin decorating; while I fix Brenda and me some lunch. Brenda and I eat and talk with Beth. After we clean up, we take Christmas Card pictures in back yard with Brenda as photographer. I down for nap with girls while they continue decorating. Beth and Brenda leave for Indio and Tamale Festival as I'm getting up from nap. Out to get mail; feed girls; open mail for Beth. Check e-mail and news sites. They back and Beth makes test salad for Brenda to taste. Then we all sit down and have tamales and salad. Brenda leaves. Talk to Mark Rizzo. He fell off ladder today while putting up outside lights - broke his leg in two places. Beth showers. Later ~
Grocery shopping after meeting. To CC Albertson's and Sav-On not open. Home and Brenda helps me unload and put away. Back to CC Albertson's and pick up prescription for Bethie. Home and Brenda still cleaning. When she's done we out to shed and bring in Christmas decorations. Beth home and they begin decorating; while I fix Brenda and me some lunch. Brenda and I eat and talk with Beth. After we clean up, we take Christmas Card pictures in back yard with Brenda as photographer. I down for nap with girls while they continue decorating. Beth and Brenda leave for Indio and Tamale Festival as I'm getting up from nap. Out to get mail; feed girls; open mail for Beth. Check e-mail and news sites. They back and Beth makes test salad for Brenda to taste. Then we all sit down and have tamales and salad. Brenda leaves. Talk to Mark Rizzo. He fell off ladder today while putting up outside lights - broke his leg in two places. Beth showers. Later ~
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