Jeff Bridges and Hailee Steinfield in the NEW True Grit

Jeff Bridges in the NEW True Grit

Beth leaves meeting early to take BMW in for work. I follow after meeting and pick her up and take her to work. I home. Check e-mail and news sites with girls and crackers. Work for awhile and listen to Rush; then into living room to watch today's recording of Lawman. After that, make a sandwich and watch She'll be Comin' 'Round the Mountain, with Gene Autry and LeRoy Mason. Into office for a moment then down for nap fully dressed (waiting for Fed Ex delivery). Sure enough, as soon as I fall asleep the doorbell rings. Two screeners - The Fighter and True Grit. Great - now I won't have to go to the theater to see True Grit like I was going to. There are so many bad movies today I usually stay home and watch older movies. Back to nap for about another hour and a half. Up and check e-mail. Out to bring in mail. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Clean mess in side yard (Crystal still has the shits). Sweep tile inside house. Turn on lights inside and out. Wait for Beth who shows up sooner than later. We talk; then I cook; and we eat. Both into office where she orders books for her boss. Then she's off to speak at The Betty Ford Center. I work at computer a little longer. To living room and watch Shilo Falls, a lousy attempt at a horror western. I get ready and to bed. Beth in later. Later ~

Jeff Bridges in the NEW True Grit

Beth leaves meeting early to take BMW in for work. I follow after meeting and pick her up and take her to work. I home. Check e-mail and news sites with girls and crackers. Work for awhile and listen to Rush; then into living room to watch today's recording of Lawman. After that, make a sandwich and watch She'll be Comin' 'Round the Mountain, with Gene Autry and LeRoy Mason. Into office for a moment then down for nap fully dressed (waiting for Fed Ex delivery). Sure enough, as soon as I fall asleep the doorbell rings. Two screeners - The Fighter and True Grit. Great - now I won't have to go to the theater to see True Grit like I was going to. There are so many bad movies today I usually stay home and watch older movies. Back to nap for about another hour and a half. Up and check e-mail. Out to bring in mail. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Clean mess in side yard (Crystal still has the shits). Sweep tile inside house. Turn on lights inside and out. Wait for Beth who shows up sooner than later. We talk; then I cook; and we eat. Both into office where she orders books for her boss. Then she's off to speak at The Betty Ford Center. I work at computer a little longer. To living room and watch Shilo Falls, a lousy attempt at a horror western. I get ready and to bed. Beth in later. Later ~
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