Theresa and Steve Grippi

Stop for gas on way home from meeting - no Nader. On home where I check e-mail and news sites. Work at computer for awhile (Talk Beth 2 times). Into living room and watch the previous episode of Boardwalk Empire as I realized I missed that episode, too. Make some lunch and watch the end of Whirlwind again because that's what came up on the screen. Into office to catch up. Down for nap with Misty. Up and bring in mail and recycle bin. Feed girls - Cristal not feeling good - she won't eat; plus she appears to be very tired and has liquid stools. I found that out when I cleaned up side yard. Open mail for Beth. Then back into office where I continue writing about an old friend and mentor. Beth home and we talk. Off to El Paseo for her to shop then we meet Grippis at Tommy Bahamas for dinner. Home and we to bed. Later ~

Stop for gas on way home from meeting - no Nader. On home where I check e-mail and news sites. Work at computer for awhile (Talk Beth 2 times). Into living room and watch the previous episode of Boardwalk Empire as I realized I missed that episode, too. Make some lunch and watch the end of Whirlwind again because that's what came up on the screen. Into office to catch up. Down for nap with Misty. Up and bring in mail and recycle bin. Feed girls - Cristal not feeling good - she won't eat; plus she appears to be very tired and has liquid stools. I found that out when I cleaned up side yard. Open mail for Beth. Then back into office where I continue writing about an old friend and mentor. Beth home and we talk. Off to El Paseo for her to shop then we meet Grippis at Tommy Bahamas for dinner. Home and we to bed. Later ~
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