Gable, Gardner, and Crawford - Stars of Lone Star - 1952

Stop at Office Depot on way home from meeting to have some Xeroxing done for Beth. On home and check e-mail and news sites with girls and potato chips and dip. Watch newest episode of Entourage I recorded last night. Xerox repairman (John) here to work on our machine. Lunch in front of TV watching Lone Star, a Clark Gable, Ava Gardner western. Down for nap with girls - still painful. Up and bring in mail. Take pills and feed girls. Talk to Beth. Spend afternoon in office putzing. Beth home early - busy; busy; busy. Fix her dinner and she takes phone calls and people at door. She off to H&I Indio Jail visit. Clean up side yard; and sweep floors. Trash night. I to office. Work in office. She home early - prisoners wanted to do commissary instead of meeting. I eat late. She washes her hair. Later ~

Stop at Office Depot on way home from meeting to have some Xeroxing done for Beth. On home and check e-mail and news sites with girls and potato chips and dip. Watch newest episode of Entourage I recorded last night. Xerox repairman (John) here to work on our machine. Lunch in front of TV watching Lone Star, a Clark Gable, Ava Gardner western. Down for nap with girls - still painful. Up and bring in mail. Take pills and feed girls. Talk to Beth. Spend afternoon in office putzing. Beth home early - busy; busy; busy. Fix her dinner and she takes phone calls and people at door. She off to H&I Indio Jail visit. Clean up side yard; and sweep floors. Trash night. I to office. Work in office. She home early - prisoners wanted to do commissary instead of meeting. I eat late. She washes her hair. Later ~
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