With my sweetie on board the MS Zaandam

Grocery shopping after meeting. Gas up at Nader's station. Home and Brenda helps me carry stuff in. I put it all away. Into office and check e-mail and news sites with girls and crackers. Putz around on computer while Brenda cleans. Bring in chairs for Beth's party - Brenda puts extenders in table. I turn on TV - watch some western. Brenda leaves. Make some lunch and continue watching TV. Talk Beth; then down for nap with Misty. Up and comb hair and dress. Beth has done my pills. I put in boxes and then put them away. Beth off to pick up her employers at Bermuda Dunes airport. I clean up side swamp - use buckets of water instead of hose. Work at computer; work at other things she's asked me to do. Beth home around 5:30ish. I cook dinner and we eat - soup. After, she into office to work, I scan TV. I into office. Mark calls. I work at computer. Get ready for bed - Beth follows. Later ~
Grocery shopping after meeting. Gas up at Nader's station. Home and Brenda helps me carry stuff in. I put it all away. Into office and check e-mail and news sites with girls and crackers. Putz around on computer while Brenda cleans. Bring in chairs for Beth's party - Brenda puts extenders in table. I turn on TV - watch some western. Brenda leaves. Make some lunch and continue watching TV. Talk Beth; then down for nap with Misty. Up and comb hair and dress. Beth has done my pills. I put in boxes and then put them away. Beth off to pick up her employers at Bermuda Dunes airport. I clean up side swamp - use buckets of water instead of hose. Work at computer; work at other things she's asked me to do. Beth home around 5:30ish. I cook dinner and we eat - soup. After, she into office to work, I scan TV. I into office. Mark calls. I work at computer. Get ready for bed - Beth follows. Later ~
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