Scribblings From the Desert

I am a published author and produced screenwriter living in Rancho Mirage, California with my wife, Beth, and two dogs, Crystal and Misty. I have spent most of my life in and around the Hollywood Motion Picture Business.

Location: Rancho Mirage, California, United States

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beth and I with our new baby; old baby lower right

Sleep in day for me. Beth up and off to Hall to meet Brenda. I up 5:15. Shower, shave, dress. Read paper while eating breakfast. Make bed and trim beard. Beth home and we talk. Around 10:30 AM we leave house headed for San Berardino and Friday's for lunch with Kelly and Steve; Bruce and Sharon; Glen's daughter and her boyfriend, Jose. Sunny here when we leave with thermometer heading for a warm day. We his rain on way there and temp drops to 57 degrees. Beth dons sweater - put on sweat shirt. We eat and have fun. Home by 3:00 - feed girls. I down for nap. I up 4:30. Check e-mail and news sites. Beth and I talk. I fix dinner - chips & chicken. After, I start watching Nat. Geo. channel - Shark Men. Beth joins me. Later ~