I was supposed to get a haircut after the meeting but my stylist (barber) called in to say she was running late so I rescheduled for tomorrow. Stop to buy a Valentine's Day Card for Beth. Then gas up at Nader's station (he wasn't there). Home and check e-mail and news sites with popcorn and girls. Work at computer answering and sending e-mails. Called and talked to Andy Fenady for awhile. TV: Watch two episodes of Entourage I recorded on Sunday; plus some of a Tony Martin (would you believe?) western called: Quincannon: Frontier Scout. Think about it - Tony Martin as a cowboy? Lunch while I watched. Beth called. Down for nap with girls. Up and bring in mail. Feed girls and open mail. I have an article in the new Roundup magazine. Open the mail for Beth. To office and work for awhile. Watch some O'Reilly. Beth home and we talk. Cook and we eat. She washes her hair. TV: we watch recording of CSI: Miami. Later ~
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