Very Early Corriganville Show
Chief Thundercloud; Crash Corrigan; unidentified cowboy
Mail two more books after meeting; then by COD to show Mark prototype of SOE. Home and check e-mail and news sites. To hearing Aid place and pick up new aids and get them turned. On to Beth's place of employment where I pick up a UPS and take it to mail place for her. Back to see Beth then on over to Goodies and meet the guys for Friday lunch. Home and down for nap. Aids out. Up:Aids in and feed girls. To bank and meet Brother Bob and Eva - get signatures verified. I do banking. By station and talk Nader. Home. Work at computer until she gets home. We talk, then eat an off the cuff meal. Back to computer for a few minutes; then TV for an old MGM TV Short. Watch an old Without a Trace rerun we hadn't seen. Get ready for bed. Later ~
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