Tom Snow and his 2nd wife
Celebrated my 26th birthday at meeting. Mary will meet us at ABC breakfast tomorrow. Grocery shopping after; then to Office Depot for Beth. Home and check e-mail. Vacuum tile. Beth home and she mops. She feels lousy. I have lunch and we talk (she no eat). She lays down for a while (still bad stomach and other aches and pains). I work in office. Get her up at 1:00 so she can go to nail appointment. I down for my nap. Up and feed girls. To office and read e-mail. Tom Snow sent photo of him and second wife. Beth home. She to office to catch up on work. I to Exxon on corner to show uncle George's pictures of Haifa, Israel to Fadi who is was born there. Home and join Beth in office. I predict we'll have dinner and watch Lost (finally). Later ~
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