Our Ship - The MS Zandaam - we leave for Hawaii tomorrow

To market after meeting to get a couple of things for Beth. See Theresa Grippi. Gas up at Nader's - topped it off. Home and check e-mail and news sites. Beth home. I to bank and cash Bryan Turner's check (he bought And Action!). Home again and start packing with Beth. Check out ship online. I to computer. Brenda over to talk to Beth; I join in. We to lunch at Dogo's. Home; Brenda leaves. Beth gets close to finishing up packing; I down to nap with girls. Up and Beth has already brought in mail this morning. Feed girls. Into office and continue packing my stuff. Talk with Beth. Everything appears to be in order for cruise. Some last-minute packing late afternoon; then we eat. Then we watch movie: Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side. Later ~

To market after meeting to get a couple of things for Beth. See Theresa Grippi. Gas up at Nader's - topped it off. Home and check e-mail and news sites. Beth home. I to bank and cash Bryan Turner's check (he bought And Action!). Home again and start packing with Beth. Check out ship online. I to computer. Brenda over to talk to Beth; I join in. We to lunch at Dogo's. Home; Brenda leaves. Beth gets close to finishing up packing; I down to nap with girls. Up and Beth has already brought in mail this morning. Feed girls. Into office and continue packing my stuff. Talk with Beth. Everything appears to be in order for cruise. Some last-minute packing late afternoon; then we eat. Then we watch movie: Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side. Later ~
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