Our little senior citizen - Crystal

Stop Albertson's after meeting for pee. On to Walgreen's to buy some cologne for trip. I thought I had ordered some weeks ago but I never got a conformation notice. Meet with Justin at Hearing Aid place where he cleans and resets my hearing aids. Give him an And Action! book. Home and get phone message and e-mail from Syble re new upgrade on cruise to a different class cabin. Call Beth with the news - she delighted. Work at computer printing out new boarding passes, etc. Meet Beth at 10:00 at nail place for pedicure; stop and get Western bacon burger on way home. Watch recorded episode of Blue Bloods while eating burger. Talk to Beth. Down for nap with girls. Up and bring in mail. Feed girls. Open mail for Bethie. Joel by to learn how to park cars while we're gone. Into office and start getting our boarding passes in order. Clean up side yard. Sweep tile floors. Start O'Reilly. Beth home. She does my pills for cruise. I cook and we eat. After we watch yesterday's NCIS. To office and work. Later ~

Stop Albertson's after meeting for pee. On to Walgreen's to buy some cologne for trip. I thought I had ordered some weeks ago but I never got a conformation notice. Meet with Justin at Hearing Aid place where he cleans and resets my hearing aids. Give him an And Action! book. Home and get phone message and e-mail from Syble re new upgrade on cruise to a different class cabin. Call Beth with the news - she delighted. Work at computer printing out new boarding passes, etc. Meet Beth at 10:00 at nail place for pedicure; stop and get Western bacon burger on way home. Watch recorded episode of Blue Bloods while eating burger. Talk to Beth. Down for nap with girls. Up and bring in mail. Feed girls. Open mail for Bethie. Joel by to learn how to park cars while we're gone. Into office and start getting our boarding passes in order. Clean up side yard. Sweep tile floors. Start O'Reilly. Beth home. She does my pills for cruise. I cook and we eat. After we watch yesterday's NCIS. To office and work. Later ~
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