One of my favorites, Bob Steele

To market after meeting to buy wedding and birthday cards for Beth. Drop wedding card to Beth at her place of employment. Home. Brenda's there cleaning office. I try TV - there is a problem and I think I fixed it. Work in office for awhile. Then it's over to Beth's workplace and drop off paper that hadn't arrived before we left for the meeting this morning. Stop to pick up a Western Bacon Cheeseburger on way home. Watch some westerns while I eat. Down for nap with girls. Up and bring in mail. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Get out shirts I'll be taking on cruise; plus sport coat and slacks. Put all on wire hangers per Beth. She calls and I over to pick her up and we to airport to pick up Tracker - her employers are not coming in. Home and write here. Beth home. I cook and we eat. Both work in office intermixed with packing for cruise. Later ~

To market after meeting to buy wedding and birthday cards for Beth. Drop wedding card to Beth at her place of employment. Home. Brenda's there cleaning office. I try TV - there is a problem and I think I fixed it. Work in office for awhile. Then it's over to Beth's workplace and drop off paper that hadn't arrived before we left for the meeting this morning. Stop to pick up a Western Bacon Cheeseburger on way home. Watch some westerns while I eat. Down for nap with girls. Up and bring in mail. Feed girls. Open mail for Beth. Get out shirts I'll be taking on cruise; plus sport coat and slacks. Put all on wire hangers per Beth. She calls and I over to pick her up and we to airport to pick up Tracker - her employers are not coming in. Home and write here. Beth home. I cook and we eat. Both work in office intermixed with packing for cruise. Later ~
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