Theresa and Steve Grippi

Stop at Nader's to gas up. He's busy so I talk to his daughter. Home and check e-mail and news sites with no snack do no girls. Brenda here and she begins cleaning with my office. I putz at dining room table with new laptop - e-mailing web sites that didn't transfer to my desk top. When office is available, I check the e-mail I sent myself and transfer those web sites to my desk top. Around 10:45 I go to kitchen to make some lunch. Brenda is almost finished. Watch recording of Lawman and an Eddie Dean western, Tornado Range while eating. Brenda leaves. I down for nap. Up and bring in mail; feed girls; open mail for Beth. Clean side yard. Work in office for awhile. Beth home early. Around 5:00 we get ready and drive to Ruth/Chris Steak House where we meet Theresa and Steve Grippi. We have a wonderful time. Home around 8:00 - get ready and to bed. Later ~

Stop at Nader's to gas up. He's busy so I talk to his daughter. Home and check e-mail and news sites with no snack do no girls. Brenda here and she begins cleaning with my office. I putz at dining room table with new laptop - e-mailing web sites that didn't transfer to my desk top. When office is available, I check the e-mail I sent myself and transfer those web sites to my desk top. Around 10:45 I go to kitchen to make some lunch. Brenda is almost finished. Watch recording of Lawman and an Eddie Dean western, Tornado Range while eating. Brenda leaves. I down for nap. Up and bring in mail; feed girls; open mail for Beth. Clean side yard. Work in office for awhile. Beth home early. Around 5:00 we get ready and drive to Ruth/Chris Steak House where we meet Theresa and Steve Grippi. We have a wonderful time. Home around 8:00 - get ready and to bed. Later ~
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