Brett installing the new microwave

Stop to see Nader and his daughter on way home from meeting. Finally home and check e-mail and news sites with girls, peanuts, and pretzels. Surf around for awhile - Start listening to Rush. Then I drive to pet store and get dog food for girls. Bring in home and dump it in garbage can. Microwave guy here to install new oven at 10:20. Jimmy George calls to say hello. Guy (Brett) continues to install the microwave while girls watch. I take some photos. We clean up and he leaves. Work at computer. Into living room and watch episode of Lawman while I eat lunch. Then it's down for nap with girls. Up and bring in mail; feed girls; open mail for Beth. Spend some more time on computer. Clean up side yard; sweep inside tiles. Beth home and I try to microwave dinner and have no luck. We eat chips and dip. Beth off to H&I Meeting. I watch an old Eddie Dean PRC Western. Beth home and she makes phone calls. I work at computer writing here. Later ~
Stop to see Nader and his daughter on way home from meeting. Finally home and check e-mail and news sites with girls, peanuts, and pretzels. Surf around for awhile - Start listening to Rush. Then I drive to pet store and get dog food for girls. Bring in home and dump it in garbage can. Microwave guy here to install new oven at 10:20. Jimmy George calls to say hello. Guy (Brett) continues to install the microwave while girls watch. I take some photos. We clean up and he leaves. Work at computer. Into living room and watch episode of Lawman while I eat lunch. Then it's down for nap with girls. Up and bring in mail; feed girls; open mail for Beth. Spend some more time on computer. Clean up side yard; sweep inside tiles. Beth home and I try to microwave dinner and have no luck. We eat chips and dip. Beth off to H&I Meeting. I watch an old Eddie Dean PRC Western. Beth home and she makes phone calls. I work at computer writing here. Later ~
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