Bison Homes rig at Festival of the West A few years ago

Stop at Albertson's to pick up some tea for Beth. On to Office Depot to buy her a cordless mouse. Home and check e-mail and news sites with girls and pretzels. Work on computer until 10:00. Into living room and watch last night's episode of Entourage I recorded. Then two episodes of Lawman while I had lunch. Beth called and checked in. I down for nap with girls. Up and bring in mail; feed girls; open mail for Beth. Clean up side yard. Sweep tiles inside. Start getting trash ready to go out. Back to computer. Got a note from a blog reader, Doug McLeod, who I met at The Festival of the West a few years ago. He is with Bison Homes, a major sponsor of the Festival. He had some Buddy Holly info for me.

Stop at Albertson's to pick up some tea for Beth. On to Office Depot to buy her a cordless mouse. Home and check e-mail and news sites with girls and pretzels. Work on computer until 10:00. Into living room and watch last night's episode of Entourage I recorded. Then two episodes of Lawman while I had lunch. Beth called and checked in. I down for nap with girls. Up and bring in mail; feed girls; open mail for Beth. Clean up side yard. Sweep tiles inside. Start getting trash ready to go out. Back to computer. Got a note from a blog reader, Doug McLeod, who I met at The Festival of the West a few years ago. He is with Bison Homes, a major sponsor of the Festival. He had some Buddy Holly info for me.
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