Stop by Office Depot on way home to drop off copying for Beth. To Trader Joe's for lettuce. Home and check e-mail and news sites with girls, cheese and pretzels.
Try bank but their computers are down. Drive over to Beth's place of employment; pick her up and we drive to Indio recorder office. See John Cook.
Stop by Edie's on way back so Beth can spruce it up for potential buyers. Stop at Office Depot and I pick up copying plus buy some rolls of tickets. drop Beth at work and I home.
Home: Simple lunch of chips and dip, while I watch a Buster Crabbe, Fuzzy St John Billy the Kid PRC Western. Down for nap with girls. Crystal has been having trouble getting on and off bed.
Up and bring in mail, Fed girls, and open mail for Beth. Clean up side yard; sweep. Beth home.
Fix salads for both of us. The we watch the Lois Wilson Hallmark Special. Both get ready for bed. Later ~
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