Filming Rio Diablo at Alamo Village, TX - 1992
Grocery shopping on way home from meeting. Home and unload and put stuff away. Check e-mail and news sites. Write some e-mails and send. Beth home and we both work in office. Have an early lunch together. Back to office - mail - birthday cards for her start to trickle in. I down for nap. She off to a co-worker's to do some clean up on Maad Dog Daze registrations. I up and feed girls. Work at computer. Another producer friend wants to see another script - I'll mail it on Monday. Beth home and we talk. She makes some phone calls while I to office and work. New neighbor by and discuss trimming back oleanders. We eat; Beth showers then we watch Grease the 1978 movie. She bed; I print out some e-mails from my brother then. Later ~
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