Scribblings From the Desert

I am a published author and produced screenwriter living in Rancho Mirage, California with my wife, Beth, and two dogs, Crystal and Misty. I have spent most of my life in and around the Hollywood Motion Picture Business.

Location: Rancho Mirage, California, United States

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sleep in day. Beth up and off to Hall to meet Brenda. I up at 5:45 - shower and dress. Fix breakfast and eat. Trim beard. Work in office. Beth here - she works on doing my pill boxes. She of to meet Brenda then go to Costco. I fix lunch and eat while watching the end of Cowboy, with Glen Ford and Jack Lemmon. Fix lunch and eat. Watch while I eat. Down for nap with Misty. Up and check e-mail. Feed girls. Eventually Beth gets back. We eat; then we watch TV. Later ~