Scribblings From the Desert

I am a published author and produced screenwriter living in Rancho Mirage, California with my wife, Beth, and two dogs, Crystal and Misty. I have spent most of my life in and around the Hollywood Motion Picture Business.

Location: Rancho Mirage, California, United States

Monday, March 12, 2007

Up and off to meeting together (me behind her), then after we go out separate ways. I home and check e-mails and read paper, then computer and make up tickets for ABC Barbecue. To Office Depot and have the tickets Xeroxed and cut. Home and lunch with Buster Crabbe and Fuzzy Q. Jones. Nap. Up and feed girls. Talk Beth and call our dog sitter. To Office Depot and pick up tickets. Home and write here. Joey English e-mails about a Book and Author TN taping this Wednesday. E-mail her back and hope I can do it. We're taking Chad, Beth's employers' pilot, to dinner tonight at P.F. Chang's. Later ~